Our Tweets @tibetsociety earned 363.8K impressions over a 91 day period in June July August, they earned 4.0K impressions per day. Do you follow Tibet Society on Twitter? #TibetSociety https://twitter.com/tibetsociety PLS RT & Share

Do you follow Tibet Society on Twitter? @tibetsociety https://twitter.com/tibetsociety

Our Tweets earned 363.8K impressions over a 91 day period in June July August, they earned 4.0K impressions per day.

Please follow, share and retweet to help Keep Tibet Alive!  www.keeptibetalive.com

 www.tibetsociety.com @tibetsociety #TibetSociety www.keeptibetalive.com

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“Tibet Society has a special place in the hearts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people. We wish them the very best.” 

We are honoured and humbled by these kind words written by Dr. Lobsang Sangay, the Sikyong, the democratically elected head of the Tibetan people and political successor to His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet.

Tibet Society was founded shortly after the invasion and is the world’s oldest established Tibet support group. Over those years we have campaigned hard for Tibet, engaging with governments and working internationally, as well as helping many Tibetan individuals both here in the UK and abroad. With your help Tibet Society has ambitious plans to deliver a great deal over the next 12 months, but we need your support.

Tibet Society have managed to ensure the Tibetan people’s demands for human rights and freedom has resonated in Westminster. As Secretariat for the All Party Parliamentary Group for Tibet we work closely with MPs who have a special interest in Tibet and help devise strategies to keep Tibet on the political agenda. This is the “gateway to government” for all the Tibetan organisations in the UK and it has a genuinely international significance for the Tibetan movement. We are committed to working closely with other organisations both in the UK and internationally for Tibet.

The new APPGT has two committed co-chairs and we will be seeking to bring on board more MPs from the 2017 intake. We are arranging meetings for Tibetans to give testimonies to MPs and Foreign Office officials and we are developing our MP exchange programme which fosters relations between the British and Tibetan exiled parliaments. Such visits not only strengthen support for Tibet in Westminster but also help the exiled government with developing democratic processes.

However, the struggle for freedom in Tibet is now in a crucial phase. Tibetans in Tibet are giving their very lives to protest against China’s continuing repressive policies. China’s crackdown on basic rights and freedoms in Tibet continues unabated. Now, China exercises huge economic global influence and invests in soft power initiatives including the Chinese Embassy arranging visits from the Tibetan Autonomous Region to the UK. We need your support to help us to continue to campaign for Tibet and amplify the authentic voices of real Tibetan people.

All this work, and more, would not be possible without your support. Please help us to continue this vital work, which not only ensures that Tibet remains on the political agenda but ensures that Tibetan voices calling for freedom are heard in the UK and across the world.

Unfortunately, Tibet Society cannot qualify for charitable status because our core aims, such as supporting self-determination for Tibetans, lobbying governments, and protesting about human rights abuses, are classified as political by the Charity Commission. That shuts off many potential sources of income and makes us much more dependant than other Tibet groups on our members and supporters for funding.

So will you help? You can make a donation through the following:



Postal cheque made payable to “Tibet Society” our address is 2 Baltic Place, London, N1 5AQ
You can help Tibet Society further by setting up a Standing Order. You can pay monthly, quarterly or annually on a date of your choosing. Once filled in please post to Tibet Society and we’ll do the rest.
Download the Standing Order form

You can pay online via PayPal on our website http://www.tibetsociety.com/.

We have also set up a crowd funding page at: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/tibet-society

Bank transfer

Co-operative bank

Account number: 65405093

Sort code: 08-92-99

Anything you can give will be used to help Tibet, every £ helps.

2017 Endorsement

Remember Tibet in your will …

Please consider making provision in your will for a bequest to Tibet Society. The need for financial help has never been greater. Tibet has suffered enormously since the annexation of the country by the Chinese government in 1959, when the Dalai Lama was forced to flee across the border into India, where he remains to this day.

Sadly, there seems to be no day in sight when our help and campaigning will not be needed so any legacies for the future are an important part of our income stream.

Please read the material below and then set up a legacy.

May I thank you on behalf of Tibetans everywhere.

Making a bequest in your will to Tibet Society

To be legally valid, a bequest form must be included in the body of your will or as a codicil.  You may wish to use a solicitor to ensure that all the legal formalities are correctly followed. Knowing that your will is valid and expresses your exact wishes will give you peace of mind.

Your bequest can take one of three forms:

  • Residuary legacy: part of your estate remaining after family and friends have been looked after
  • Pecuniary legacy: a lump sum of money
  • Specific items: for example, real estate or shares

If you would like to leave a bequest to Tibet Society, we have provided the words below as a guide, although of course you or your solicitor may want to adapt them to meet your individual circumstances.

For a residuary legacy

“Subject as foresaid I GIVE AND BEQUEATH the whole of my Estate (or x% of the residue of my Estate) whatsoever and wheresoever both real and personal absolutely to Tibet Society of 2 Baltic Place, London, N1V 5AQ. for the General Purposes of Tibet Society and AND I DECLARE the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper Officer for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my Executors”.

For a pecuniary legacy

“I GIVE AND BEQUEATH the sum of £x to Tibet Society of 2 Baltic Place, London, N1V 5AQ for the General Purposes of Tibet Society AND I DECLARE the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper Officer for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my Executors”.

Should you wish to ensure that the sum of money you are leaving now will have the same relative value at the date of your death as it does now, please include the following wording after the above: “The amount of this legacy to Tibet Society shall be regarded as a provisional amount only and the amount payable shall be that provisional amount or if greater that provisional amount index linked to the retail prices index from the date of this Will to the date of my death”.



About tibetsociety

Founded in 1959, within weeks of the flight of the Dalai Lama from Tibet following the uprising against China's occupation, Tibet Society became the world’s first ever Tibet support group. Today, Tibet Society continues to work for the freedom of the Tibetan people and their right to self-determination. http://www.tibetsociety.com/content/view/607/35/
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